Saturday, August 31, 2019

Liberal Humanism:

Theory: The English word ‘theory’ is derived from a technical term of philosophy in ancient Greek. It comes from the word ‘theria’ which means ‘a looking art, viewing or beholding’. In more technical context, it comes to refer to speculative understandings of natural things. Pythagoras for the first time establishes the meaning of ‘theory’. To him the word means a passionate, sympathetic contemplation of mathematical and scientific knowledge. On the other hand Aristotle believes that ‘theory’ is contrasted with praxis or practice. For him both practice and theory involve thinking but the aims are different.Theoretical contemplation considers things which human beings cannot move or change and which has no human aim apart from itself. On the contrary, praxis involves thinking always with an aim to desired actions whereby humans cause change or movement themselves for their own ends. Theory is actually a complex paradigm because it incorporates different areas such as theory of the literature, science, technology, politics and so on. It is usually though that theory is the systematic account of the nature of any field and how this nature can be analyzed. CHRONOLOGICAL DEVLOPMENT OF â€Å"THEORY†:One theory gives birth to another theory. The growth of critical theory in the post-war period seems to comprise a series of ‘waves’ being associated with a specific decade and all aimed against the liberal humanist consensus. In 1960s, two new terms were appeared. â€Å"Marxist Criticism†, which had been pioneered in the 1930s, reborn in the 1960s and â€Å"psychoanalytic Criticism† came in the 1960s. In 1970s news spread in literary critical circles in Britain and U. S. A. about particular â€Å"structuralism† and â€Å"post-structuralism†, both of which originated In France.In the early 1980s two new forms political and historical criticism emerged â€Å"ne w historicism†. Finally, in the 1980s, a grand explanation seemed to be taking place there was a decisive drift towards dispersal, eclecticism and special-interest forms of criticism and theory. Thus, post-colonialism rejects the idea of universally applicable Marxist explanations. Likewise post-modernism stresses the fragmented nature of much contemporary experience. Feminism also shows signs of dissolving gender studies, with gay and lesbian texts emerging as distinct fields of literature, and hence implying and generating ppropriate and distinct critical approaches. LIBERAL HUMANISM: Liberal Humanism refers to the idea that we can understand or explain our world through rational enquiry. It rejects explanations based on the supernatural or divine forces. This idea became the basis for the development of science on the Western world. It’s a form of philosophy concentrated on the perfection of a worldly life, rather than on the preparation for an eternal and spiritual life. In philosophy and social science, humanism refers to a perspective that affirms some notion of a â€Å"human nature†.The word â€Å"humanist† derives from the 15th-century Italian term umanista. The term ‘liberal humanism' denotes the ruling assumptions, values and meanings of the modern epoch. It claims to be both natural and universal. The common feature of liberal humanism is ‘freedom’. It is not associated with supernatural things. Rather it believes that our observation can be explained by human investigation and thought. The doctrines of liberal humanism are: * To know unknown and to create uncreated * Having rational faculty * Being self dependent * Superiority of human beings Absolute freedom of human mind *Having the right and responsibility to give meaning and shape to our lives. EMERGENCE OF LIBERAL HUMANISM: Liberal Humanism inaugurates rational enquiry and rejects the supernatural or the realm of emotions. It was a response to the Dark Ages when people believed in religion blindly. The hold of the Church was so strong that even the king had to bow down to its decisions. At that time, people were told that they must accept their place in the order of religion. Afterwards, humanism came with a belief in the freedom of human beings to control their own destinies.It developed during the fourteenth and the beginning of the fifteenth centuries, and was a response to the challenge of mediaeval scholastic education emphasizing practical, pre-professional and scientific studies. Gradually, people started questioning the teachings of the church. Martin Luther King insisted on reading the Bible rather than following the interpretations of the priest. He argued that we must follow religion rationally. Many people started questioning the rigid ritualistic aspects of religion too. Even scientists like Galileo argue that one must read the book of nature.Such ideas promote the growth of science and reinforce the belief in ob servation and rational analysis. It is in such a context that humanism emerges. With this, we also see a revival in the study of Classical Greek and Roman texts. We see the emergence of faith in human rather than divine. In this way, liberal humanism has made human mind free from the existing bondage of religion in Middle age. PLATO (427-347): Plato is the founder of philosophy in ancient Greece KEY FACTS: *The material we perceive through our body and our senses is not the real world but an imperfect copy of an ideal world. Art works to reproduce or represent the perceivable material world. *Literature is important and needs to be regulated or supervised because it has a powerful effect on its readers. *The content of literature is more important than the form it comes in. According to Plato’s philosophy, reason was the highest form of thought and the preferable means for convincing cultural knowledge. For Plato, reason is a process of logical deduction. Stories, poetry and drama appeal to their audiences’ emotion more than to the rational minds.As art arouses emotions, it can never be true. He said that truth can only be apprehended through rational thought, as exemplified in Mathematics. Plato and his followers ignored the fact that we can perceive with our physical senses. In this realm, things remain in their most perfect form and never change. Their static condition makes them eternal and therefore the essence of all the things that exist in our material world are merely copies of the form that exist in the ideal world. As they are copies, they are necessarily less perfect than the original forms.According to Plato, we can understand the world of forms only through reason and the process of logical argument. Philosophers use logic and reason to discover truth. By contrast, artists evoke emotions by making representations of the world. Plato considered all arts as representational. Art creates picture of the material perceivable world which Plato called â€Å"nature†. But ‘nature’ is itself only a reproduction, a copy of what exist in the perfect form in the realm of the ideal. So, any art that reproduces nature is merely copying from a copy. An artist’s work is always removed from the world of truth and ideal perfection.As their creations are copies of copies and these copies excite feelings rather than reason, Plato worried that art and artist might threaten social order, and the eternal truths. In book X of The republic, Plato points specifically to poets and poetry in warning that all poetic imitations are ruinous to the understanding of the hearers, unless as an antidote they possess the knowledge of the true nature of the knowledge. Plato worried that art, including literary art like poetry and drama tell lies and influence their audience in irrational ways.This didactic criticism argues that literature is a powerful medium for arousing emotions, without necessarily presenting any ratio nal assessment that it can present a constant danger to its audience. Moral criticism focuses on the content of a work of literature, asking whether its effect is good or bad rather than paying emotions to its artistic or formal values. Aristotle (384-322 BCE) Aristotle, one of the ancient Greek philosophers, is the ‘founding father’ of western thought. KEY FACTS: *Aristotle’s main concern was in the form and unity of an artistic work. Art is not binary to the reason and threatening to logic and rationality. *Reality resides in the changeable world of sense perceptions or, the physical, material world. * ‘Form' of Ideal can only exist in tangible examples of that form. Aristotle was less interested in the content of literature than in its forms. According to Aristotle, art is not an imitation or a reproduction of nature of the world we perceive with our senses. So it is not an inferior reproduction or copy of nature rather it is a process of putting the eve nts of nature into words or paint which helps to improve or complete nature.For example, when an artist paints a picture of a cherry tree or writes a poem about it, he or she does not just copy the tree but creates a new version of the tree through the process. With the help of colors or words the artist re-creates it. Artists are important because art imposes order on a disordered and chaotic natural world. Literature particularly imposes a particular kind of narrative order on events. For that reason there is a beginning, middle and an end what is described in words. Aristotle believes that art and literature complete a process which the natural world leaves incomplete.Nature merely exhibits us with events and sensory experiences while art provides us with their meaning. Thus art and literature are a positive social force which is contrasting to Plato’s view. Aristotle’s arts, creating order and system help to find pleasure in the representation of an understandable and meaningful reality. The pleasure people take in representations conveys another type of ‘truth’. For Aristotle, ‘reality’ does not reside in a static eternal world of perfect ideal forms rather reality is the ever-changing world of appearances and perceptions.Plato’s concept was that any particular chair was only an inferior copy of the ideal form of ‘Chair’ that could not be perceived through our senses. By contrast Aristotle puts logic that the only way we can know the essence of ‘Chair’ the true meaning of chair is through individual instances of chairs. Form exists only in the concrete examples of that form Aristotle’s truth resides in discovering the rules and principles that govern how things work and take on meaning in our material world. Aristotle treats poetry and all arts forms, like biology.He is interested in discovering or creating ways to identify characteristics of various forms of poetry and develo ping systematic categories through which to classify these forms. Plato founds the tradition of moral criticism about what a work of poetry does to its audience, on the other hand, Aristotle founds the tradition of genre criticism by investigating what a particular work is, rather than what it does. HORACE (65 BCE- 8BCE): Quintus Horiatius Flaccus was a Roman poet, commonly known as Horace. He is best known for his satires and his lyric odes.KEY FACTS: *Horace focuses on the purpose of poetry, or literature in general. *The benefit of poetry is highlighted. *Two sources of poetry are –nature and other authors. In the traditions of literary theory, Horace has contributed through his articulation of the purpose of poetry. Following Plato, he said that literature serves didactic purpose and it provides pleasure. According to him poetry is a useful teaching tool as it is pleasurable. Its lessons can be learned because the pleasure of poetry makes it popular.Horace also views natu re as the primary source of poetry like Plato, but his concept is that poets should imitate other authors too. In this way, Horace establishes the necessity of a poet to know tradition, and respect inherited forms and conventions as well as creating new works. Sir Phillip Sidney (1554-86): One of the most prominent figures of the Elizabethan age, Sir Philip Sidney is most famous for his â€Å"The Defence of Poetry’. KEY FACTS: *Sidney strongly urges that poetry serves both instruction and pleasure. *Poetry gives a shape to nature so that we can get close to nature. poetry reveals the meaning lying beneath everything in this external world. Sidney directly attacked Plato for his thoughts on poetry. The essence of Sidney’s defence in favour of poetry by combining the liveliness of history with the ethical focus of Philosophy is more effective than either history or philosophy in rousing its readers to virtue. To him, poetry serves the dual purpose of instruction and ple asure. It provides a vehicle for instructing readers in the proper ways to be, think, act, believe and do just as sermon or histories. It provides enjoyment.Following Aristotle, he protected the puritan accusations ‘Poetry is the mother of lies’. He answered that if a mere imitation of nature is in poetry, it is an inferior copy or a form of falsehood but if poetry is an act of creation, it can help us to understand the inner of this external material world. These so-called inferior copy, or mimetic, in fact presents a higher level of reality. Sidney says that poetry is the source of all learning. The final purpose of poetry is to lead us to high perfection as we are capable of. Sidney also quotes that a poem is â€Å"a speaking picture with this end, to teach and delight†.It’s primary aim to give pleasure. Poets ate superior to philosophers. It deals with the experience of many ages. If the philosopher is the guide, the poet will be the light. SIR FRANCIS BACON: Sir Francis Bacon, a contemporary of Sidney and Shakespeare, he not only refers back to Elizabethan tradition, but defends it passionately. KEY FACT: *Poetry does not present an inferior representation of the world we live in. *Imagination can create realities. *poetry does not manipulate and lie to the reader. *poetry is greater than rationalityIn philosophy Bacon followed Aristotle's theory, which thought that poetry or in general, art is not merely a copy of real world, or called inferior. But rather that it presents a better world than the one we live in. In The Advancement of Learning, Bacon argues that history, fact, and reason can only present the world which describes with our sense, our own real experience. He disagrees with Plato on the fact that poetry manipulates and lies to the reader, but instead Sir Francis Bacon says that poetry presents a ‘feigned history’ which speaks directly to the human soul.Bacon wants to present that as human soul is great er than the sworld, so the imagined world is greater than perceptible material world. Even more importantly, poetry is greater than reason because reason can only present pre-existing material world, not alter it, but poetry is able to create a â€Å"new world†, and to rule over it. Joseph Addison 1672-1719): He followed Plato. So, like Plato he was concerned with how literary work affects ifs reader. *Addison explores the question how poetry creates pleasure. * Two kinds of pleasure in imagination- Primary and Secondary pleasure. The power of imagination and power of reason have been distinguished . * Reason investigates the cause of things and imagination experiencing them either directly or through representation. *Art is not just an imitation of nature. Addison was more interested in what a poem delights than in how, or what it instructs. Addison described two kinds of pleasure in imagination. One is primary pleasure and the other is secondary pleasure. Primary pleasure c omes from the immediate experience of objects through sensory perception and secondary pleasure comes from the experience of ideas from the representation of objects.For example we can take The Simpsons and Shakespeare’s classical drama Hamlet. Even though majority thought that The Simpsons can create more pleasure than Hamlet but if they have to choose one of them, most of people would rather choose Hamlet than The Simpsons. They supported that the pleasure of Hamlet come from representation of it. It is much better than The Simpsons because people get pleasure immediately but if they thought about it deeply, they would find that it is actually boring. Addison distinguishes the power of imagination from the power of reason.According to him, reason investigates the cause of things and imagination experiences them, either directly or through representations. The imagination is less refined than the faculty of reason. The pleasure of imagination is thus more easily acquired tha n those of reason and widely available to untrained mind. Addison says that art is not just an imitation of nature, but an improvement or completion of it. He points out that the secondary pleasure of imagination makes it possible for an experience which would be disagreeable in actually to be represented in pleasurable form.SAMUEL JOHNSON (1709-84): One important aspect to keep in mind while examining the thoughts of Samuel Johnson is that of the birth of fiction around the 18th century, following the rise of the novel as an important element of literature. KEY FACTS: *Fiction depends on the idea of mimesis, presenting stories which imitate nature or real life, unlike poetry or drama. *Fiction deals with the stories to readers as though these individuals were real people. *Johnson is concerned with the morality of literature. Like other art works, fiction is also an imitation of nature or real life.Actually, art works are imitations of nature. However, they are not merely copies. I t is a important conception. Unlike drama or poetry, fiction depends on the principle of realism. When readers read fiction, they would consider that these story or history really happened around our life. The realism of fiction blurred the distinction between the imagined world of art and the real world of history and biography. As a result, the language which is used to write fiction is very different from drama or poetry.The language of fiction is usually common language, rather than the language of art, or artifice. Writers use common language to make the work more natural, more real. Johnson agreed with some parts of Plato's thought. He also paid attention to the moral effect of fiction. He insisted that the fiction, such as novel, or fairy tale, is more dangerous than poetry or drama because in contrast of other kinds of art works, fiction is more real. Good art is that art which has a positive moral message and bad art has a bad message that encourages readers to create negat ive or destructive behavior.Thus, people who read these works would believe it more easily because of realism. The realism of fiction, according to Johnson, also ties the genre more closely to the realities of human existence because fiction comes from authors who have the direct knowledge of human nature. Moreover, as the source of fiction is natural and events or characters are easily recognizable and the language of fiction is general, fiction is able to affect people widely. Johnson warns that if writer cannot use it wholly, fiction would bring up so many negative or destructive problems.Johnson suggests to present the proper outcome of fiction where wickedness is punished and virtue rewarded. In Johnson's opinion, ancient Greek and Roman writers presented the best models of literary arts. Those works have withstood test of time, have proved themselves useful. WILLIAM WORDSWORTH: From Sir Philip Sidney to Sir Joshua Reynolds, the theorists and critics broadly represent the think ing of Age of Enlightenment, and its debates about the relative importance of reason and imagination. But William Wordsworth , the first English Romantic poet wholly created a new world of art. KEY FACTS: Wordsworth broadly follows Aristotelian thought and also reflects the ideas of the school of romanticism, stating that anything closer to nature was superior to anything artificial. *Nature is needs importance. *He is very much careful of composing a poem with feelings. The Romantic conception of Wordsworth endangered on the beliefs about the superiority of all things natural over anything artificial. According to Wordsworth poet is a â€Å"man speaking to a man† and that is why poet must use common language, rather than the artificial convention of meter and rhyme which had been a standard since the ancient Greek.Wordsworth set up a system which believes that the rural is better than urban, the nature is better than the culture, the uneducated thoughts are closer to nature, and better than educated and complex. In stating that â€Å"the child is father of the man†, Wordsworth declares that children have the sensibility which adults have lost. Children are close to nature and we go away from nature becoming civilized adults. Wordsworth is more concerned with the relation between the poet and the poem than with the relation between the poem and its reader.His interest is not in the moral effect of poetry. He examined what the poem is, how it is made, and who makes it, rather than what it does. For Wordsworth, poem is not a product of reason, or of art and artifice, but is â€Å"the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings† which â€Å"takes its origin form emotion recollected in tranquility†. Since then, ‘Feeling’ was established as the central element of a poem and became more important than the action, situation, character, or mimetic accuracy. A good poem must have authentic expression of feelings generated in natur al setting.JOHN KEATS (1795-1821): Keats followed the romantic path established by William Wordsworth and Coleridge. He is a great English poet and played an important role in Romanticism, in 19th century. KEY FACTS: *Rational though breaks the world into two- subject and object. *Keats argued that empathic and reason, poetry and science, are incompatible and oppositional which being combined can break the boundaries between subject and object. *For a good poet, Keats thought that it must possess have â€Å"negative capability†.According to Keats, Rational thoughts break the world into subject and object for the reasons of classification and analysis in the Aristotle’s â€Å"Science† Processes. Keats speaks about on interplay in the sense that sensations and empathetic experiences, including poetry, break down the barriers between subject and object and insist on this interaction between the two entities. However, Keats also feels that poetry and science, empath y and reason are two incompatible elements which are also oppositional.The most important key to understanding Keats in this context is negative capability, which in essence is the ability to stay comfortable with uncertainty and doubt without the need to find certainty. It became the central conflict in literary studies in the twentieth country. Formalist cristism argues that for a poem, they would focus on the resolution or an explanation for the unity of elements, while poststructuralism would recall Keat's â€Å"negative capability† instead of answers.MATHEW ARNOLD (1822-1888): The last one is Matthew Arnold. He is the critic most closely associated with humanist perspective, with the establishment of the humanities, and especially literary. KEY FACTS: *Preference on literary education *result of good poetry on human beings In his main critical work, The Function of Criticism at the Present Time, he argues about the heart of â€Å"New Criticism† and the goal of cri ticism is â€Å"to see the object as in itself it really is†, free of agendas, and preconceptions.According to Arnold, a literary education in â€Å"the best† texts will make us all better human beings, and make our world an easier and more humane place to live. He sought to defend art on the basis of what art can do to society and culture. He was the first cultural critic who claimed that to speak about literature, one has to speak about culture. He proposed that philosophy and religion could be replaced by poetry in modern society. He held that culture representing â€Å"the best that has been thought and said in the world† was available through literature.Mathew saw culture as the moral attributes to literature. To him, poetry has the unique power of making sense of life and culture allows us to be complete human beings. Literature has the power to create what he calls â€Å"sweetness and light†. These art the hallmarks of civilization and the citizens who have been educated to appreciate â€Å"the best† will develop taste, sensibility, a quality which Arnold calls â€Å"high seriousness†, and will be productive and peaceful members of their society.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Application of Epidemiology to Obesity Essay

Obesity has been defined as a condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to an extent that health may be adversely affected. The classification of overweight and obesity allows the identification of individuals and groups at increased risk of morbidity and premature mortality. 1.Analyze the obesity problem in the U.S. as compared to another developed country in which the obesity problem is not as significant. Include factors such as age, gender, race, socioeconomic status, and marital status in your analysis. Hypothesize the reason why the rate of obesity is higher in the U.S. than the other country. Obesity has been such a struggle for Americans since the early 1980s. According to Fleming, major effort to reduce the proportion of members who are overweight or obesity involves a strategic plan (Fleming, 2008). Obesity varies by age, gender, and by race-ethnic groups. A higher body weight is associated with an increased incidence of a number of conditions, including diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and with an increased risk of disability. Obesity is associated with a modestly increased risk of all-cause mortality. However, the net effect of overweight and obesity on morbidity and mortality is difficult to quantify. It is likely that a gene-environment interaction, in which genetically susceptible individuals respond to an environment with increased availability of palatable energy-dense foods and reduced opportunities for energy expenditure, contributes to the current high prevalence of obesity (The Epidemiology of Obesity, 2007). The United States is not alone in experiencing increases in the prevalence of obesity. Similar increases have been reported from a number of other countries and regions of the world. For example, in England, the prevalence of obesity (BMI is greater than or equal to 30) among women 25–34 years of age increased from 12% to 24% in only 9 years between 1993 and 2002. In Portugal, increases in overweight among school-age children also have been found. Less-developed countries also have seen increases in obesity (The Epidemiology of Obesity, 2007). Among preschool-age children in urban areas of China, the prevalence of obesity increased from 1.5% in 1989 to 12.6% in 1997(The Epidemiology of Obesity, 2007). Differences in the prevalence of obesity between countries in Europe or between race-ethnic groups in the United States tend to be more pronounced for women than for men. For example, in Europe, the WHO Multinational Monitoring of trends and determinants in cardiovascular disease study, which gathered data from 39 sites in 18 countries, found the prevalence of obesity was similar for men across all sites (The Epidemiology of Obesity, 2007). For women, however, there were marked differences in prevalence between sites, with higher values for women from Eastern Europe. Similarly, in the United States, there are marked differences in the prevalence of obesity by race-ethnic group for women but not for men. According to the U.S. obesity trend, the southern states have the highest prevalence of obesity out of all the fifty states. The CDC stated that more than one-third of U.S. adults (35.7%) are obese. Approximately 17% (or 12.5 million) of children and adolescents aged 2-19 years are obese (Overweight and Obesity, 2011). 2.Compare obesity rates and obesity-related health care costs in your state to all of the U.S. Recommend how your state can treat obesity as a threat to public health. As stated above, Georgia is one of the southern states that have a high prevalence mortality rate. The greatest problem with the statistical linkages between body mass and mortality is that other confounding factors are not considered, leaving little basis for drawing causal inferences. Most epidemiological studies estimating the relationship between body weight and mortality do not control for fitness, exercise, diet quality, weight cycling, diet drug use, economic status, or family history. Furthermore, in studies that control for some of these factors, the data are usually self-reported and thus of extremely questionable reliability. Georgia ranks seventeenth most obese state in the nation. Obesity is one of the biggest public health challenges. Millions of Americans still face barriers like the high cost of healthy foods and lack of access to safe places to be physically active. There has been a significant increase in health care cost in accordance to obesity. The annual cost of obesity in Georgia is estimated at $2.1 billion ($250 per Georgian each year), which includes direct health care costs and lost productivity from disease, disability, and death (indirect costs) (Georgia Data Summary, 2008). Treatment of this epidemic would be rather difficult. At a federal level, the new health reform law, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, has the potential to address the obesity epidemic through a number of prevention and wellness provisions, expand coverage to millions of uninsured Americans, and create a reliable funding stream through the creation of the Prevention and Public Health Fund. People who are overweight or obese have a higher risk for death than people of optimal (normal) weight. An estimate of excess mortality is called the population attributable risk (PAR). PAR is an estimate of the proportion of deaths caused by a particular risk factor, in this case, overweight and obesity. The PAR represents the proportion of deaths in a population that would be eliminated if the risk factor were removed from the population. The PAR for overweight and obesity is the fraction of all deaths that would not occur if everyone were of optimal (normal) weight. The PAR from overweight and obesity is estimated using the prevalence of overweight and obesity in Georgia and the relative risk for dying among overweight and obese persons compared with normal weight persons. The risk varies by age and sex. In Georgia, approximately 10% of the total number of deaths each year is attributable to overweight or obesity, indicating that about 6,700 Georgians dies annually because they are overweight or obese. About 1,500 (22%) of the excess deaths occur among people who are overweight, and 5,200 (78%) occur among those who are obese (Georgia Data Summary, 2008). 3.Suggest how politics of this issue will hinder your ability as an epidemiologist to help your community and / or state deal with the issue of obesity. The medical costs of obesity in the U.S. have been estimated at $75 – $100 billion a year. The estimate for Georgia is about $2.1 billion per year, or $250 per Georgian per year. Excess body fat is associated with both direct costs such as diagnostic and treatment services related to overweight and obesity, and indirect costs such as lost wages and reduced productivity due to illness, disability, and premature death (Georgia Data Summary, 2008). As an epidemiologist, the extra funds would not be available to help those individuals that are obese and want to lose the weight. The U.S. is already spending a large amount of money through medical cost for those obese individuals. A government grant to help individuals may even get refused because again, the funding is coming from the government. Politics would not want to provide funding for a start of a program because it is cost efficient and could be expensive. We are now at a point where governments are belatedly aware of the threat that rising obesity poses to population health as well as to society’s economic well-being and the natural environment. The awareness of the size and complexity of the problem is also evolving into an awareness of the need for multiple actions to achieve a high enough ‘dose of solutions’. There is widespread agreement that a multi-sectorial response will be needed from governments, the private sector, civil society and the public. 4.Propose four (4) new policies or laws that the government can implement to address the obesity problem in the U.S. Include the implications of those policies or laws on people, health insurance, health care providers, businesses, and the food industry. In an ideal world, governments would have been monitoring population obesity trends and have acted early to implement the actions needed to halt and reverse the obesity epidemic. However, this is not the common reality and, indeed, only a handful of countries have monitoring systems in place to detect changes in the prevalence of obesity and its risk factors. As stated above in question number two a new health reform law has to address the obesity epidemic through different wellness, and providing coverage to the millions of Americans. Government could also issue a community transformation grant to individuals that have transformed their obese bodies into healthy balanced bodies. Policies to reduce greenhouse emissions, such as corporate and individual carbon trading, would be powerful stealth interventions for obesity prevention. Congestion taxes, car-free cities, public transport growth and other urban planning options will have increased physical activity as a beneficial side effect and thus contribute to obesity prevention. Reducing the carbon cost of food could also have an effect on energy intake since many of the energy dense foods which promote obesity tend to be more processed, packaged foods in other words, higher in carbon costs. 5.Assess and address the causes which have made obesity rates increase for the past decade. Over the past three decades, obesity has increase significantly. While the exact reasons for increased global obesity were still undetermined, experts said changing habits were likely contributors. Diets are different than they were 30 years ago, and modern technology has decreased physical activity. Developing countries now have a lot of the conveniences that are commonplace in wealthier nations. There are also an increase of automobile, which we are widely dependent on and less walking or bicycling. In conclusion, the drivers of this pandemic that is now affecting rich and poor countries alike must be global in nature and relatively recent in onset. While biological hard-wiring explains the potential for the development of obesity, it cannot explain the secular trends in obesity prevalence. Humans have, for good survival reasons, evolved a biology that is designed to maximize energy intake and minimize physical activity. We seek and enjoy good tasting food (especially sweet, fatty and salty foods) and we seek to reduce the effort needed to do work (by designing machines and technology to do it for us). While these are powerful factors, our biology has not changed over the last 30 years. What has changed dramatically is the environment around us – especially the easy availability of foods and energy-saving machines that feed those biological desires. It is the increasingly obesogenic environments which are promoting especially excessive energy intake but also reduced physical exertion that are driving secular trends.

Analysis on the function of Total Domain Awareness Essay

Thesis Statement The raging mount of terrorism and other sort of violence has been considered as a major plague in the country (Scott-Donelan).   Consequently, the dilemma caused by the aforementioned perspectives has caught the attention of the government, mandating those who were perceivably obliged for the eradication of such predicament lead to an echelon of initiatives which apparently falls on the bounds of taxing and various technological innovations.   Hence, the most debated issue belying the arena of controversy in such regard is the commencement of â€Å"Total Domain Awareness†. Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the light of thoroughly understanding the essence and the purpose of â€Å"Total Domain Awareness† shall be sought through the enlightenment of the factors which triggered the birth of the subject under study.   Moreover, the sagacity of what seemingly signifies the importance of TDA is traced in the history by which it presupposes as well as the key players implementing the perception of TDA. Furthermore, since it had been stressed that TDA is a manifestation of the immediate response of the government towards the plagues which is bugging the country, it is fair enough to dwell on the arena of the dynamics affecting on the whole picture of its purpose then later tackling the potency of the application through a critical analysis on institutions or organizations (Shahbazian, Rogova and Valin) which settle their activities with the help of TDA. Background of TDA   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   For the benefit of the internalization of the term, it is best to dig deep in the definition of each word of the phrase; Total – domain — and awareness[1].   In the field of technology and incident monitoring, it is termed as the core treatment in obliterating and decreasing the prevalence of uncontrollable ‘criminals’ or law offenders through the attachment of a technological device in a certain â€Å"unit† for the purpose of speedy tracking (Ziman). Total Domain Awareness is a form of ‘government approach’ with the use of a device to serve as â€Å"spy† in the activities of those inhabiting the territory upon which the device has been attached.; thus, tracing all the possible locations (domain) of the person through the use of a ‘portal based environment’.   The cited pioneer key player of the said technological device is the popular Lockheed Martin Corporation[2], in collaboration with NAFTA. Issues giving birth to TDA   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As established in the agreement of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the main purpose of the organization is to serve as the vanguard in lashing the private and public sectors of the state to collaborate together in uplifting the array of importance of business in the national and international trade arena, delight of transportation, assurance of security and other environmental concerns.   However, since that any state is inevitable to have dilemmas caused by a vortex of uncontrollable reasons hence the only means to expunge the said quandary of crisis is to impose and implement measures and innovations to lessen the possibility of its occurrence. Terrorism challenging the government Terrorism has been one of the most debated issues in contemporary times, spawning huge concerns both globally and locally. The weight of such concern is drawn from the fact that terrorism has brought fear to the lives of many, quite apart from the fact that it has destroyed the lives of thousands of innocent civilians. Its long term effects can also be equally devastating, if not more, noting that the world market and individual economies of countries are, to a certain extent, affected by terrorist activities. Even the mere â€Å"presence† of terrorists is enough to spoil the budding hopes of nations seeking peace amidst the growing face of danger. However, the basis for the growing concern over the fear harbored from the dregs of what we call â€Å"terrorism† is yet to be resolved. The reason to this rests on the fact that there is no single definition of terrorism, one that is universal and transcends the differences in ethnicity, culture, religion and political background to name a few. For the most part, terrorism is held as a form of activity, usually through violent measures, in achieving a certain type of goal where the orientation of the â€Å"agents† of terrorism are inclined to sacrifice themselves for the realization of a given mission. Consequently, the objectives being pursued by terrorists can also be drawn out from a set of ideologies that border on several concerns, the widely-known types of which are either from an ethno-religious context or from a political environment. What sets terrorism apart from any other form of activity engaged upon by individuals or a group of individuals relatively operating from a wide scope to a specified area is the basic fact that terrorism is an organized activity. However, terrorism is not only an organized form of activity. It is also founded on principles that serve as the guiding tenet for these organized activities, the means of which settle from the most violent down to the crude installment of fear in the lives of civilians or certain groups of individuals. On the contrary horizon of countering terrorism is still vague as of the time being because US means of realizing the annihilation of terrorism is not transparent in its genuine cause. President Bush’s tactics are always under scrutiny because of its failure in providing hard facts or concrete ways of waging anti-terrorism to another counter (Scott-Donelan). For example the case of Iraq, in which he endorsed that this country obtains weapons of mass destruction, thus he wage war in Iraq. In the end, there’s no single evidence of such weapon. Countering terrorism is a must but sometimes the vagueness of how it would be done is also dangerous because a given country that is suspected of terrorism is vulnerable to jeopardizing consequences.   How technology shall serve of help in eradicating the crap of terrorism is still at stake. Violence caused by Mass Media   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The presence of mass media as a tool of communication has increased largely because of the technological innovations consistently being introduced not only in advancing the productivity rate of media organizations but also in expanding the capacity of the various media outlets to include a wider range of topics (Hudson). With this expansion, the subjects incorporated into the mass media has also been augmented (Graber) such that former topics that were once rarely untouched have now been constantly infused with unceasing publicity such as those that tackle Information and Communications Technology (ICT). The level of morality of individuals are conceived to be one by which their respective behavior are dependently being implied to.   With regard to behavioral psychology, it had been stressed that an individual’s personality is the manifestation of the influences which one had been able to acquire all throughout his childhood carried until adulthood (Wright). Americans’ somewhat insatiable appetite for violence had been depicted and described in the violence saturate of their culture.   Ã‚  In an article written by Lillian BeVier, she elaborated various examples on how media had taken a huge part on violence in today’s generation. Her findings led her to an echelon of realistic and obvious results such as: songs urging to rape women, killing police officers, committing suicide, and all other heinous crimes which are said to be the message conveyed by some songs (â€Å"The National Entertainment State†; Niemeyer). However, the issue of violence being a triggering factor for such violence were not thoroughly given substantial evidence with regards to the exposure on media, she had clearly emphasized that there is a need for the government, the Congress, the Federal Trade Commission, nor any state legislature to provide the discretionary and lawful measures as having to be given the power to legislate such constraints to avoid producers or purveyors commit such insatiable mistakes on the field of media communication. Analysis and Discussion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With the given issues above, it is evident that the wrath of violence in the contemporary society is outrageously uncontrollable.   Given with such statement, it may be taken to assumption that the government is desperate in looking for ways to control the rising number of violence and crime counts in the country that they tend to jump in the valley of initiatives.   Trying to apply any sort of application which they ought to believe is feasible enough to help the law enforcers in incarcerating those who has affronted the law and thus needs jurisprudence.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In essence, the organizations such as NASCO[3], NAFTA and Lockheed Martin had been cited as the catalysts of the so-called â€Å"Orwellian Nightmare† technology aimed for the purpose of security among the inhabitants of the country through the form of a device which possesses the ability to keep in track of the â€Å"location† of any form – it has the capability of gathering, correlating, and interpreting fragments of multi-source entities such as Radar, AIS, & GPS tracks, Open Source, Intelligence, Watch list & Law Enforcement Report, CCTV, Bioterrorism sensors.   Hence, gathering together all data into one collaborative portal-based environment in an automated scheme (Hansen and JonesReport).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In further deliberation of TDA, it is evident that its purpose is mainly for â€Å"tracking†.   A deeper forethought on TDA shall lead to the discussion of two assumptions: for terrorism reasons, and for the government to have a â€Å"sensor† on all the modes of transportation in the country (Corsi). Consequently, the efficiency of the new technology is still fresh in the ocean of controversy since that critics somehow perceive the idea of its implementation as rather a form of ‘fraud’ from the government, nevertheless, an income-generating machinery which is not considered as an â€Å"A† list in the needs and understanding of many. Incident Monitoring In collaboration with the issues raised above, a critical comprehension of the main purpose and essence of TDA in the society is explicitly rendered by the government as that which will â€Å"help† in monitoring incidents (Strandburg and Raicu).   Perhaps, the government is apparently stating the extrinsic evidence and apprehension of the definition of TDA.   Taking the brighter side of its establishment would lead to an illustration of necessity indeed (Hansen and JonesReport).   Yet, the question on its real intent is undeniably questionable in the internalization of those whom has gone way beyond the shallowness of ‘plainly’ understanding. Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In reality, TDA lends a hand to the masses especially during emergent incidents, in view of the fact that it has the ability to ‘track’ the location, then those who are vested with the obligation to respond to the immediate call for help will not have a hard time in searching for the site where the incident took place.   In addition to that, cases such as kidnapping and car napping will not be a weight to law enforcers in getting to the culprits (Ziman).   With the aforementioned device, it will be easier to track the robbers and all the other sort of goons floating in the scenery. In the case of taxing, â€Å"run-away debtors† will be locked in the most abrupt time since that they shall be easily tracked in the hastiest method of confinement.   Like what is often seen on ‘detective’ inclined movies, the world will be a serene and ideal place to live in, at least for a certain shape (Paul).   Less criminals – everyone shall be spied, and so all must be careful in their actions – quite a paradise in assertion.   Yet, the outnumbering refutes to the â€Å"real† purpose of the government still remains laid on the table. Works Cited Corsi, Jerome R. â€Å"Bush Administration Quietly Plans Nafta Super Highway.† Human Events, 2006. Graber, Doris A. â€Å"Mass Media and American Politics.† Political Science Quarterly 95.4 (1980): 701. Hansen, Nathan M., and JonesReport. â€Å"Nasco, Lockheed Martin, & ‘Total Domain Awareness’: Lockheed Martin’s Plan to Tax and Track All Modes of Transportation in North America.† Jones Report, 2007. Hudson, Heather. â€Å"New Communications Technologies: Policy Issues for the Developing World.† International Political Science Review 7.3 (1986): 334. â€Å"The National Entertainment State.† National Review, 2006. 13-30. Vol. 283. Niemeyer, Gerhart. â€Å"Sex and Violence.† National Review 27.29 (1975): 834. Paul, Ron. â€Å"The Nafta Superhighway.† Texas Straight Talk, 2006. Scott-Donelan, David. Tactical Tracking Operations. Colorado: Paladin Press, 1998. Shahbazian, E., G. Rogova, and P. Valin. Data Fusion for Situation Monitoring, Incident Detection, Alert and Response Management. Washington: IOS Press, 2005. Strandburg, Katherine, and Daniela Stan Raicu. Privacy and Technologies of Identity: A Cross-Disciplinary Conversation. 1 ed. New York: Springer, 2005. Wright, Peter. â€Å"Factors Affecting Cognitive Resistance to Advertising.† The Journal of Consumer Research 2.1 (1975): 6. Ziman, John. Technological Innovation as an Evolutionary Process. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003. [1] Definition: Total – A whole quantity; an entirety.   Domain (law) – The land of one with paramount title and absolute ownership.   Awareness – The state of being fully conscious of pertinent stimuli and really experiencing a task or situation. [2] Lockheed Martin is a leading multinational aerospace manufacturer and advanced technology company.   Aside from that, the company is also considered as the world’s largest defense contractor (by revenue). As of 2005, 95% of Lockheed Martin’s revenues came from the United States Department of Defense, other U.S. federal government agencies, and foreign military customers. See for more information and data on the company’s goals and objectives. [3] The National Association of Security Companies (NASCO) is the nation’s principal contract security trade association.   NASCO is leading efforts to set beneficial fundamentals for the private protection industry and security officers by monitoring state and federal legislation and measures affecting the quality and efficiency of private security entities.   See for more information.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

History of Social Networking Websites Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

History of Social Networking Websites - Essay Example Users who join Social networking websites are required to make a profile of themselves by filling up a form. After performing this task, users are supposed to give out information about their personality attributes and personal appearances. Some social networking websites require photos but almost all of them will give details about one's age, preference, likes and dislikes. Some social networking websites like Facebook allow users to customize their profiles by adding multimedia content. (Geroimenko & Chen, 2007) The first hint of social networking websites was witnessed in the year 1997 through formation of a company called This company was the first of its kind; it allowed users to list their profiles, provide a list of friends and then contact them. However, the Company did not do very well as it eventually closed three years later. The reason for this was that many people using the internet at that time had not formed many social networks hence there was little room for maneuver. It should be noted that there were also other elements that hinted at Social network websites prior to 1997. For instance, dating sites required users to give their profiles but they could not share other people's websites. Additionally, there were some websites that would link former school mates but the lists could not be shared with others. (Cassidy, 2006) Thereafter, there was... They included things like diaries and friends' lists. Additionally, also established itself in the market. It was created with the purpose of linking business men within San Francisco. The Company was under the management of Friendster, there were also LinkedIn, and Ryze. The latter company was the least successful among all others. specialized in the business world and Friendster initially did well; this did not last for long. (Story, 2008) The most significant companies in the history of social networking websites are as follows Facebook MySpace Friendster The rest of the essay shall examine how these particular companies were formed. Friendster Friendster began its operations in the year 2002. It was a brother company to Ryze but was designed to deal with the social aspect of their market. The company was like a dating service, although match making was not done in the typical way where strangers are introduced to one another. Instead, friends would propose other friends they felt were most compatible with one another. At first, the Company grew exponentially. This was especially after introduction of a network for gay men and an increase in the number of bloggers. The latter would usually tell their friends about the advantages of social networking through Friendster and this led to further expansion. However, Friendster had established a market base in one small community. After their subscribers reached overwhelming numbers, the company could no longer cope with the demand. There were numerous complaints about the way their servers were handled because subscribers would experience communication breakdowns. As if this was not enough, social networks in the real world were not

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 25

Letter - Essay Example It is my strong belief that many customers are constrained by the credit limit you set for new customers in your bank. As a result many opt to switch to banks whose limitations are well within their acceptable standards. To the contrary, I have a strong belief in the flexibility of the management and capability to adjust policies to suit the needs of customers. My main reason for asking for the policy revision lies on the fact that my job entails a lot of travelling. Because of this it is difficult to do the billings of vital liabilities physically. Thus I have to maximize the use of my credit card so as to clear those bills. Next week I will be attending a seminar out of the country and in such situations, I will be reliant on the credit payments. Just for assurance, I have been a loyal customer, though for a short time, whose been clearing all due credit on time. I would appreciate it if you took my request into consideration and contacted me for any considerations of adjusting the credit

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Social Media Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Social Media - Research Paper Example Social media network can be used as an effective tool to promote and market different destinations around the world and to increase awareness in the minds of the people. This paper explains  the importance of  social media network. Effective use of social media networks can help the destination marketing organizations and other hospitality and tourism organizations in attracting the  maximum  number of potential travelers. These social media websites  can be  used as a marketing tool in promoting different destinations. This paper analyzes the different strategies implemented by both DMOs and Non-DMOs through social media websites. It is important to understand that how hospitality and tourism industry is using this social medium to create an impact in the minds of their customers. This paper explains the use of social media networks by DMOs and Non-DMOs and their presence on social media websites. Few examples of DMOs and Non-DMOs are explained in the form of screenshots for the better understanding of their activities, popularity and other marketing campaigns on well known social media networks. Furthermore, the paper concludes on reco mmendations and suggestions that how these DMOs and Non-DMOs can improve their marketing activities on social media networks and how they can attract more people through this widely spread platform. Social Media provides a medium or a platform for social interaction. Social media is facilitated with different tools for technological communication that has changed the shift of traditional communication into a more interactive one (Kietzmann, 2011). Over the years, social media has changed the way of communication between different individuals, organizations and communities. In this age of globalization, social media provides an ease in communication and interaction among different individuals belonging from different parts of the world with different cultural

Monday, August 26, 2019

Analysis of Strategic Marketing Planning Literature review

Analysis of Strategic Marketing Planning - Literature review Example Based on Levitt's (1983) contribution, technology is one of the factors which affects firms to globalize their strategy (p.92). The other factor is cultural, that is consumer homogeneity (p. 96). It means that the preferences and tastes of consumers are becoming the same around the globe. The main aspect here is that communication (e.g. internet, cable television) is in the hands of normal people because through technology its costs have been reduced. Consequently, people around the world want all the things they have watched, heard and experienced via new technologies. So it means that the firms hast to decide if it will standardize or customize its product according to the market they penetrate. Based on the proposal of Levitt (1983) and Douglas and Craig (1991), if the firms consider themselves as a global player, they would opt for standardization of products because of consumer homogeneity. According to Douglas and Craig (1991) contribution, the competitive pressure (p.51) in the global market forces firms to defend their market position. Rivals are no more only in the domestic markets but in all markets around the world; consequently, firms have to be around the globe fighting with their competitors. In this situation, firms have to control their internal factors related to Resource-based View.

Sunday, August 25, 2019


HOW CAN PAIN BE ASSESSED EFFECTIVELY IN SEVERE DEMENTIA PATIENTS IN HOSPITALS - Literature review Example Dementia is associated with significant cognitive impairment. Most of the patients with dementia have a longer stay at hospitals which is associated with the development of complications. Pain is commonly under diagnosed and undertreated in patients with dementia (Buffum and Haberfelde 2007), as the dementia patients cannot communicate properly. A pilot study was conducted by Buffum and Haberfelde 2007 to assess families and care givers perception on pain management in patients with dementia. The study was conducted among 34 family caregivers and the study concluded various strategies for assessment of pain that include regular observation and assessment. Even though there are several methods in the management and assessment of pain, still the identification of appropriate tool remains a concern in all care settings. Most of the studies report self report as the most effective tool for pain assessment. In a study conducted by Shega et al (2005) among 115 dyads, 37 patients with demen tia and 57 caregivers reported that direct self report of pain is the most appropriate tool for assessment of pain and the treatment should be done accordingly. The study suggested that the clinicians should routinely assess the pain, caregiver depression and patient agitation, as the study has reported caregiver reported pain during caregiver depression. A study by Pautex et al 2005, also supports the use of self assessment report for pain management. The prospective clinical study was conducted among 160 patients, where 97%, 90% and 40% of patients with mild, moderate and severe dementia understood the use of the self assessment scale. The study concluded that self assessment works well among patients with mild and moderate dementia. The study also suggests the use of observational pain rating scales, along with the use of self assessment reports in pains with advanced dementia. Observational scale along with self-assessment correlates

Saturday, August 24, 2019

ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY - Essay Example Psychological abuse of elderly is seldom reported. The major elements that contribute to psychological abuse of the elderly include verbal assaults, insults, threats, intimidation, humiliation, and harassment. This article provides a reliable self-assessment measure for use on elderly patient to assess psychological abuse of the elderly. This self-assessment measure is useful to my article. I will use it in the context of preventive measures for elderly abuse in nursing homes. Hobbs article put up by the U.S. Census Bureau provides authentic data on the growing elderly population in the U.S. The data shows that the elderly population in the U.S. is growing at a faster rate than the general population. This data is relevant to my paper, as it authenticates the importance of issues relating to the elderly population in USA. Leland’s article pertains to the not too happy experiences of the elderly in nursing homes, causing them to seek as early an exit from nursing home environments. Key drawbacks are the loss of freedom in activities and the loneliness of the environment. I find this article relevant to my paper, which attempts to demonstrate that nursing homes are not always a preferred option for the care of the elderly. I will use the contents of this article to reinforce this opinion. Dr. William Coch has worked as a gerontologist and general practitioner in the rural community of Andover, New York. In this interview Dr. William Coch paints a vivid picture of care of the elderly in nursing homes in comparison to their care within their families and in their communities. Care for the elderly within their families is the best option. The aspect of care within the family being superior to care received within nursing homes is pertinent to my paper. I will use it to remove any impression that care of the elderly in nursing homes is a better option. This article from Nursing Home Abuse demonstrates

Friday, August 23, 2019

SQL&Security Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

SQL&Security - Assignment Example The collection has a provision for checking and validating the typed parameters. 3). a). After using SQL injection, the table that had the users came up. These were the names of the field being referenced. The command that was used was ‘=’. Inputting this in the name field made the database to drop the able contents. The contents are valid because they came assigned with user ID’s. 3). b). When the characters ‘=’ are input in the username text box, the results is the contents of all the usernames that can access the system. The database responds to this entry by displaying all the contents for the field entered. The result for this is the display of the contents of the username table as shown below. ^(((((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9])\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9]|0)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9]|0)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[0-9])-(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9])\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9]|0)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9]|0)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[0-9]))|((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9])\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9]|0)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9]|0)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[0-9]))),)*)(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9])\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1- b) Students numbers are predictable because they are sequential and are assigned according to faculty. This makes it easy to predict another student’s number, to beak this cipher an algorithm is created to subtract the cipher byte from the respective ascii equivalent of the number, after they have been converted to binary. An example Student ID number is

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Chronic condition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Chronic condition - Essay Example II diabetes then discuss the experience of the patient’s diabetes, and compare this with the typical lived experience of those suffering the same condition. It shall then present an outline of any differences in the perceptions held by the patient and their family members concerning their diabetes compared to that of the general community. Finally, it shall discuss what self-management the patient requires, as well as the discharge plan and community referrals. This case study is being carried out in order to establish clear pathways of disease processes, especially in relation to chronic diseases. Diabetes is a chronic disease which is currently affecting about 300 million people around the world. In fact, in 2004, about 3.4 million died from afflictions related to this disease. About 80% of these deaths have been seen in the poorer and middle income states and these deaths are seen to double by the year 2030 (WHO, 2011). According to the World Health Organization (2011), diabetes is a â€Å"chronic disease that occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces†. This condition then leads to increased blood sugar or hyperglycaemia which, if uncontrolled, can eventually cause serious damage to the body’s nerves and blood vessels. This disease is classified into type I, which is insulin-dependent diabetes with the body’s inability to produce enough insulin for normal functioning; and to type II diabetes or non-insulin dependent diabetes which is basically the body’s ineffective u se of insulin (WHO, 2011). Type II is the more common type of diabetes and is the type which is currently affecting Ronald. And despite the ominous gravity of this disease on the human body, it is however a preventable, if not a curable illness. Ronald was first diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 57. He recalls the initial symptoms which he felt before seeking consult included: excessive thirst,

College Student Essay Example for Free

College Student Essay As a student nurse, I was working in a student assignment group, where we were to make a project for a presentation on â€Å"Breast Cancer†. We had four persons in our group. On our meeting day, one of our group members did not come to our group meeting and she also did phone none of us. We were not able to finish our group work because we were missing her part of the project. We did not even know whether she had started her part of the work or not. Our meeting without her part of the work was not productive and we decided to set up another meeting on another day. On next day I met her and asked if everything is fine with her and her family. She confirmed that everything was fine. My expectation was that she would give some explanations or would try to talk about what had happened. She did not show any interest in a further communication. Her behavior was surprising and the same time frustrating for me. I perceived that she was not a responsible person, because before our meeting she did not call us. I also perceived that she did not value and respect other people time. I felt that she even ignored the importance of the group project and the work that she was spouse to complete. The conflict arose in our work group about her part of the work, and we were undecided whether we were to keep on being silent or to start an open discussion about our concerns. Eventually, we did not do very well on our group project and then our group was disbanded when for the next project we had to choose new partners for the group. 2. Communication Despite my perceptions about her, I decided to ask her if everything was fine with her family. She confirmed that her family was fine and then I kept a distance from her because I decided that she did not have a legitimate reason not come to the meeting and in fact this validated my perception that she was not responsible person and she did not value other people time. Because of her behavior the conflict arose in our work group about her part of the work, and we were undecided whether we were to keep on being silent or to start an open discussion about our concerns. Eventually, we did not do very well on our group project and then our group was disbanded when for the next project we had to choose new partners for the group. Even when our group project was completed, I kept thinking about her behavior and I came to the conclusion that there could have been other reasons for her behavior that she never shared with any of us. I feel that the reason for the further events was the lack of communication between her and the group members. Now I regret that I failed the opportunity to fix the situation by an open communication, and create strong group solidarity. But I value this experience for the idea of importance of a communication to build strong group solidarity. 3. Possibilities I formed my perceptions about her having only limited information about her; I did not know the real reason she had that day not to come to the meeting. As I knew that she had a large family with four children, and maybe one of her children was sick, so she had to stay at home with the sick child. As a mother, her baby’s health could be the priority for her. The other reason for her not to come to the meeting could have been an accident and maybe she did not have an opportunity to call us or to let us know about it. Finally, maybe one her close relatives had breast cancer and she was very sensitive to the work project, so she was not able to come and discus the topic with the group members. We never had an opportunity to know what exactly had happened to her since she never talked to us about the reasons for her behavior. 4. Influences Analyzing the event I can identify many assumptions on my part that influences my thoughts. There is another important factor about myself, which formed my perceptions. I have an experience in working with sick children and their parents and in this case I thought that the reason could be that her baby was sick, and as a mother for her the baby’s health is the most important thing for her. I am a very responsible person, and I respect people and their time. I am always early for any meeting or group projects. I am also very careful with my study process, so this made me feel that she did not respect our group member’s time. In my cultural background it is very important if I promise or decide to do something in a group, and I am not able to go on with that, I must let my partners know. Another thing that made an influence on my perception was that I value other people time and I always let them know if I am late. The other reason could be that as an ESL student she had a hard time to complete the work. As an ESL student with some language barriers, I thought that she had a hard time to complete any work. 5. Application of Learning to Nursing Practice I think that perception checking can play a significant role in my critical thinking and decision making process. Only open communication and accurate perception checking can help us to understand other people behavior. It is now my understanding is that I would have done better to discuss the issue with my group partner, and to address the conflict in an open way. Open communication would give me an opportunity to perform and improve my direct perception checking skills. Even somehow I had tried to discover the real reasons for my group partner behavior, my actions and skills were not enough to understand her behavior, to have a whole picture of what happen, rather that make my assumptions. On my meeting with her on the next day somehow I tried to understand the possible reasons for her behavior. That was an example of indirect perception checking process, but not performed completely. I feel that I formed most part of my perceptions on my own assumptions. For my further successful practice I have to learn more about perception checking process and also improve my perception checking skills toward my successful nursing career. Nursing work is always a team work and in my further practice I also will use this experience to build team solidarity.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Leisure Travel And Tourism In Singapore Tourism Essay

The Leisure Travel And Tourism In Singapore Tourism Essay International tourism has grown substantially over the years due to rising standard of living, technological advancement and globalization. Tourism is also one of the key industries with a significant impact on the global economy (Tham, 2006). In the case of Singapore, it received 10.3 million visitors and a total expenditure of $14.1 billion in year 2007 compared to 9.8 million visitors and a total expenditure of $12.4 billion in year 2006 (Singapore Tourism Board, 2007) during good economy. The increased in the arrival of visitors had also contributed a substantial growth in other tourism related industries such as the hotel industry which had seen increased in room revenue of 23.5% at $1, 857.6 million versus $1, 503.9 million in year 2006; food and beverages industry shown growth by 33.7% at $1,406.5 million in year 2007 versus $1,052 million in 2006; and Singapore Airlines(SIA) had declared an operating profit of $982 million for the first half of FY 2007-2008, an increase of 84 .1% at $449 million compared to last year 2006-20071(SIA, Annual Report 2007). Singapore is fairly a small red dot on the globe with limited natural sceneries and leisure places for its people to enjoy. Hence, many of the Singapore residents prefer to travel out of Singapore. According to the data from Immigration and Checkpoint Authority (ICA), the total outbound departures of Singapore residents for year 2008 had rose by 804,234 to 6,828,362 as compared to 2007 at 6,024,128. There is a growing number of Singaporeans from all age groups, between 18 to 65 years old, travelling overseas frequently to Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia and Hong Kong SAR as it seemed that travelling has became part of their lifestyle. With the gradual increase in income level of employed workers as well as a good starting pay for the new comers who had just graduated from universities and began their working lives, the younger and better educated Singaporeans are now able to enjoy affordable recreational and leisure activities which could not have been possible previously. The peak travel seasons were spotted high in early June, November and December every year given its school holidays nationwide. Many parents choose to travel with children during these periods so they can enjoy the family togetherness. Otherwise, they would not have the flexibility to travel on any other month in view of the endless workload of working parent as well as stipulated school seme sters that children had to abide by. The second most travelled season during the year would be those public holidays falling just before or after a weekend and many working Singapore residents would tend to take off days 3 from work, travelling to nearer destinations for leisure purpose. Travel agencies anticipated an increase in businesses during these periods and plan to promote short trip packages to regional destinations for those who want to travel over the long weekends (Channel NewsAsia4, 2009). These destinations include Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Hong Kong (DSS, 2008). Thus from the data, it sparked our interests to find out the travel trends of Singapore residents such as the number of trips and cost of travel made in a year, preference to travel by package or free and easy, preferred destination and travel agency etc., in Singapore during good and bad times. Objectives and Research questions The main purposes developed for this project is to investigate the recent trends involved in leisure travelling and tourism in Singapore using data obtained in an empirical study. The following are the objectives of this study include: Objectives To find out the extent to which the different trends involved on travel for Singaporeans. To investigate if there is any correlation between the income level and place of travel with the citizens of Singapore. To find that these recent trends are supported by marketing tools. 1.1.2Research Questions Based on the objectives the study aims on the leisure travel and tourism in Singapore. In order to serve the above purpose we will address the following three research questions. RQ 1: What are the trends involved on travel for Singaporeans? RQ 2: How does the correlation exists between the income level and place for travel? RQ3: How do the existing trends can be supported by recent trends in marketing? Significance of the Study The present research focuses to examine the trend of travel from a Singaporeans perspective given the intensified frequency on outbound travel by per Singaporean in the recent years. This research highlights the market-based management as well as strategies for growing customer value. It also includes empirical analysis that involves gathering of travel profiles from selected subjects; secondary data is collected via literature reviews and statistical research by reliable and established sources. Literature review 1.3.1 Introduction In Singapore, a number of research works had placed their focus on visitors travelling trend (inbound) to Singapore, analyzing travellers choice of travel agency (Tak and Wan, 2005; Heung and Chu, 2000) and travellers usage on travel agency (Goldsmith and Litvin, 1999). However, there is no research on outbound travel particularly in areas like examining the trend of travellers profile in Singapore that affect or influence them in travelling especially during bad times where the world is facing economic downturns as well as the current swine flu influenza which appeared abruptly in April 2009 killing 231 people in Mexico, Canada and USA (World Health Organisation, 2009). According to the Singapore Department of Statistics for year 2008, Singapore had a population of 4.84 million and out of which, 3.64 million were Singapore citizens (including permanent residents). Singapores socio-demographic had changed rapidly over the years especially the growing aging population as highlighted in the report on aging population (2006) that the number of residents aged 65 years or older will multiply threefold from current 300,000 to 900,000 in year 2030; dual income families (the average monthly household income from work6 had grew by 12.5% at $7,750 in year 2008 vs. $6,890 of last year); the growing trend of many young couples who prefer not to have children so as to enjoy two-person lifestyle (total fertility rate 2007 stood at 1.29 per female out of 42.6 female of general marriage rate); and rising of single adults (15% males and 12.6% females of age between 40 to 44) in year 2007. The studies by Chon and Singh (1995); Loverseeds (1997); Morrison et al, (1996) ; and Ross (1999) also revealed that the changes in socio- demographic had led to substantial changes in travel trends and leisure demand in the travel industry. 1.3.2 Travelling in time of Crisis and Risk Tourism today is vulnerable to natural disasters and crisis. The effect of terrorists attacked in World Trade Center, New York and Pentagon had tremendously brought the tourism industry to a halt for a long period of time with an estimated loss of US10 billion (Floyd et al., 2004) and it took several months for travellers to regain their confidence in travelling. The impact on the flow of information from the news media could changed the travellers attitude, perception and behaviour on the impression of risks that travellers would face when travelling (Valencia and Crouch, 2008). Incidents of natural disasters, political unrest, wars, epidemics, and terrorism lead to perceived travel risks (Mansfeld, 2006), whereas tourists ignorance of the probability of such events engage them in real risks (Wilks Page, 2006). This remark had tallied with Laws Prideaux (2005) and Glaesser (2003)s findings that risk derives as the probability of an undesirable incident that leads to the possible ne gative consequences of a consumers behaviour. Whereas, Beirman (2003) said that the perception of safety and security is a major determinant in travellers decisions to visit a place. 1.3.3 Travel Expenditures Travel expenditure patterns are vital to travel organizers and destination marketers (Jang et al., 2004). The growth in international tourism spending had reached 5.6% (adjusted for exchange rate fluctuations and inflation) in 2007, in particular strong in Asia and Pacific with an increase of 11% (WTO, 2008). The total travel expenditure in Southeast Asia for year 2007 has increased by 24% at USD54 billion compared to last year of USD 43.6 billion (WTO, 2008). The expenditure incurred on travel fall mainly in these categories, which were also important pillars of the economies in that country returned airfares, lodging, food and beverages, transportation and recreation activities. WTO also reported that nearly 80 countries earned more than USD1 million from international tourism in 2007. In examining the travel expenditure pattern of Japanese to United States, Jang et al. (2004) concluded that Japanese travellers (non package tour) spent an average of $3265 in United States. The hig her income Japanese (with an annual household income above $100,000) spent an average of $4367 while, the lower income Japanese (annual household income below $100,000) spent an average of $2831. The high income travellers spend significantly more. The study also revealed that Japanese travellers with companions tend to spend more than those travel alone. In Zhang et al. (2004)s study, the authors concluded that respondents with higher income (US$30,000 or above) perceived travel cost less important than those lower income groups (US$14,999 or below). Hong et al. (2005) revealed that financial factors indicate that there is a significant positive relationship between income and assets and leisure travel spending, that is employed families spent significantly more than unemployed families during leisure travel, whilst, retired families spend the same amount as unemployed families but more on accommodation. 1.3.4 Income and Travel Distance Hoe (2007) reported that in the 2007 Country Brand Index, a global survey made by over 2,600 international travellers, Singapore was ranked as the first Asian country that most people want to live in among Asian cities, and came in fourth position in the global category. In year 2008, there were 39% of employed households earned a median monthly household income of S$4950, and the residents expenditure abroad had gradually increased from $11.54 million in year 2003 to $14.31 million in 2007(DSS, 2008). It was assumed that the household income has correlation with the number of overseas trips made by the individual or per household in a year. Research in consumer behaviour has found that people of higher income would tend to search more for products/services information (Andereck and Caldwell, 1994; Runyon and Stewart, 1987; Robertson, Zielinski and Ward, 1984; Newman, 1977). Sparks and Pan (2009) also revealed that a higher percentage (51%) of the Chinese in China who earned more than 8000 yuan (67.1% of surveyed respondents earned more than 8000 yuan per month) were likely to travel outside China within the next 12 months. Similarly, Zhang et al. (1999)s finding also revealed that people with higher income tend to travel further, but the relationship is not linear and the higher the respondents self-perceived incomes the longer will be the travelled distance. According to Nicolau and Mas (2005), the effect of distance and prices are moderated by tourist motivations at the moment of choosing a destination. The findings conducted in Spain concluded that individual is not incline towards long trips and prefer shorter distance. However, they do not mind longer journeys if they are visiting family or friend or exploring new places. Contradictory, this group of people is unwilling to pay more for expensive places where family or friend resides but are willing to pay to explore new places. Nicolau and Mas (2005) also highlighted that people who are looking for culture are generally more willing to pay higher prices, whereas those looking for climate are less willing. In Singapore, with the rapid changes in socio-demographic over the years, there had been an increasing number of young adults age ranging from 15 to 34 years old that travel overseas at least once a year to neighboring countries like Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand (DSS, 2005). Some of the possible reasons of short distance travelling could be financial constraints or not able to take longer leave from work. Heung and Chu (2000) found that travellers with lower income are more concern with pricing than travellers with higher income. 1.3.5 Intentions to Travel Travel is considered a leisure activity (Turco, Stumbo, Garncarz, 1998). Neal, Uysal and Sirgy (2007) also confirmed that travel is an important aspect of leisure life. Given the high standard cost of living in Singapore and heavy pressure from work, many Singaporeans chose to maintain a balance lifestyle between work and relaxation by travelling out of Singapore. Hence majority choose to escape from work to enjoy recreation activities with family or friends. Zabriskie McCormick (2001) concluded that Families are still considered to be the fundamental units of society and are perhaps the oldest and most important of all human institutions. Examination of family leisure had consistently demonstrated a positive relationship between family recreation and aspects of family functioning such as satisfaction and bonding. In another research work by Modell and Imwold (1998) suggested that there are several benefits of active involvement in recreational activities by the family, parents in particular, such as learning about diversity and socially appropriate behaviour, increased communication and self-esteem, and the development of friendships and social skills. Methodology The data used in this study was collected using the online survey method involving respondents of Singapore residents. This method was chosen as it is an ease and cheap way of targeting the respondents and collecting data. A structured questionnaire looking at different trends of travel and tourism of the Singapore was the main instrument used to collect the data. A five point likert scale ranging from 1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=neutral, 4=agree and 5=strongly agree was used on the trends influencing travel and tourism in Singapore. The questionnaire was first pre-tested on few students basically known as pilot study was made to ensure that the wording used was clear and understandable as w.ell as to estimate the time involved in filling the questionnaire Statistical package for social science (SPSS) was used to analyze the data. Descriptive statistics, T-test were the statistical tools used in the analysis. 1.5 Outline of the Project This thesis is organized into five sections. Chapter 1 introduces the analysis of tourism outlook of Singapore for both inbound and outbound travel. It also outlines the objective, aim to achieve, and research questions. Chapter 2 examines the past works and analysis conducted by various researchers performed in areas like travelling during crisis and risk, travel distance, travel expenditures, intentions to travel, travel behaviour, influences on attributes and purchases preference. Chapter 3 presents the methodology used in this thesis and the research findings obtained through this methodology. Data collection strategies and analysis used would be presented in details. This chapter also consist the limitation of study, ethical considerations as well as sampling and population. Chapter 4 examines the results collected from the survey .This chapter also includes a discussion of the findings to explain the reason behind the factors influencing the abroad education. Chapter 5 concludes the study by summarizing the findings in this study and presenting the implications that could arise as well as the possible future directions. 1.6 Summary Firstly In this chapter the background of the project explains briefly about the leisure travel and tourism in Singapore where the background also revealed the justification for the purpose of the study, which is followed by research questions and objectives of the project .Finally, this chapter provided the overview about the 5 chapters in this project independently.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Chocolate Brand Expansion into India

Chocolate Brand Expansion into India Submitted by: Sanjay Sharma   Whittakers is a New Zealand based chocolate company, owned and operated by Whittakers family since 1896. This chocolate brand is one of the most popular and trustworthy brand in the country, all the products are made in their own factory located in Wellington. The company exports its chocolate products to countries like Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Middle East and so on. This evaluation report targets India as its international market, focusing on possibilities of international business trade for Whittakers chocolate brand. Analysis through market research helps a business to understand the kind of the products and services that can help an organization to earn profit and meet customers expectations. PESTLE Analysis:   Ã‚   PESTLE analysis is a popular business tool utilize to understand the external factors that can affect a business or an organization, say, political or economic factors. Political factors: India: India, one of the worlds largest democracies functions through a federal government. The business environment in the country gets affected by multifarious factors say governments policies, ideologies and interests of political figures. The political environment in the country can be considered cyclic as the elections are conducted in every few years and there are chances that the selected political party can be different from the previously elected one. New Zealand: New Zealand follows democracy strongly creating an environment to business steadily. Here the political system is stable however the Queen supremacies but the government rules. The country offers a supportive tax guidelines for investing and growing a business. Observation: Both the countries follow democracy system of government, though India has a huge population so the chances prediction of political environment gets really tough. Because of re-election process the political factor is least predictable as the rules and regulations can be changed or updated for upward mobility. Economic factors: India: 25 years ago, India embarked on a journey of economic liberalization, opening its doors to globalization and market forces. According to a report by International Monetary Fund, the countrys GDP is said to grow by 7.4 percent in the year 2016-17, which will make it the fastest-growing large economy in the world. (Madgavkar, 2016) New Zealand: Social factors: India: A pleasant arrangement of increasing disposable incomes, changing standard of living and a young populations rising liking for indulgence has transformed the country as the fastest growing chocolate market globally. The chocolate industry in India is growing nearly by 20% every year. (Karnik, 2015)India hold a majority proportion of young people, according to CIA, median age in India was 27.3 years in 2015.Indias urban ranges make a noteworthy commitment to the nations economy. Albeit short of what 33% of Indias population live in urban communities and towns, these zones produce more than 66% of the nations GDP and record for 90% of the administrations incomes. Accordingly, urban territories have been developing quickly, with a solid inundation from the rustic populace. New Zealand: New Zealands economy is greatly reliant on exchange with different nations. Change in outside request may influence the nations monetary circumstance. The nation has bring down spending in RD exercises bringing about outside reliance for new innovation. New Zealand has distinctive culture just like the significantly Christian ruled religion. Along these lines, amid Christmas and different celebrations, New Zealand is altogether extraordinary, for example, utilization and imports of nourishments and refreshment and electronic contraptions increment amid merry season. Future rate is progressively and death rate is low in New Zealand which is useful for nation however not consider so great at association forthcoming in light of the fact that in New Zealand, after retirement, without doing any work individuals get annuity, tip subsidize till long time which influence organization benefit. Technological factors: India: There has been huge sustainable change in technological sector in India, the number of institutions has increased within past years in the country. Also there is easy availability of 3G and 4G network in most places in the country. Considering total number of startups including both tech and non tech areas the country. As far as aggregate number of new businesses, including both tech and non-tech regions, India again figured among the five biggest has on the planet, alongside China (10,000). IT center point Bengaluru is host to 26 for each penny of household tech new businesses, trailed by Delhi NCR (23 for every penny) and Mumbai (17 for each penny). In the making up for lost time class were Hyderabad (8 for each penny), Chennai and Pune (6 for every penny each). (PTI, 2016) New Zealand: The country has made noteworthy development in numerous technological products. India is one of the largest and fastest growing economy globally, the country represents enormous chances for line of work and is a significance association for the New Zealand Government. The innovation area is New Zealands quickest developing part and backings a huge number of employments. Sends out have multiplied in the course of recent years and are currently worth more than $6 billion. Inside this, the advanced economy and the weightless division is currently assessed to be worth $1.3 billion. It is the nations third biggest fare worker behind dairy and tourism and addresses each other real market section. (Macleod) Legal and Environmental factors: India: An exhaustive lawful and administrative system has made it feasible for business elements in India to flourish. Later charge changes, for example, the usage of VAT, have been fruitful and have expanded aberrant duty accumulations in the nation. The fund service has proposed the execution of the Direct Tax Code (DTC), which means to extend charge pieces and negate the various assessment exceptions that are at present set up. Merchandise and enterprises charge (GST), a far reaching backhanded tax collection framework, is likewise anticipated that would be executed in the close term. Changes in both direct and aberrant duties would supplement the administration assess income considerably by extending the expense base instead of expanding the expense rates. (MarketLine) New Zealand: India is the seventh biggest nation on the planet, and Asias second biggest country, with a zone of 3,287,263 sq. km. In spite of having just 2.5% of the worlds property range, India represents 7-8% of comprehensively recorded species. The nation is among the 12 uber biodiversity areas of the world, which are accepted to be home to 60-70% of worldwide biodiversity. India has almost 2,400 known types of creatures of land and water, fowls, warm blooded creatures, and reptiles, of which 18.4% are boundless. Of these, 10.8% are debilitated. The nation is home to almost 19,000 types of vascular plants, of which 26.8% are endemic. There are a huge number of advantages of biodiversity including solutions, mechanical materials, and the arrangement of environmental administrations. (MarketLine) In 2011 Prime Minister John Key propelled the NZ Inc. India Strategy, an arrangement for India to wind up distinctly a center exchange, financial and political accomplice for New Zealand. The NZ-India FTA is a significant stride toward accomplishing that objective. New Zealand and India as of now appreciate a solid relationship. India was New Zealands tenth biggest exchanging accomplice in the year to June 2016, with aggregate exchange products and enterprises worth more than NZ$2.5 billion. Fares to India were worth NZ$1.7 billion (NZ$656 million in products, NZ$1 billion in administrations) with imports worth NZ$821 million (NZ$591 million in merchandise, NZ$230 million in administrations). More than 10,000 Indian understudies came to ponder in New Zealand in 2015, and another 35,000 Indian vacationers went by that year. There are well more than 100,000 Indian nationals inhabitant in New Zealand. (New Zealand-India FTA, n.d.) There are certain possible benefits to this agreement, it can create an improved access in the Indias enormous market focusing on the developing middle class and also it will create vast opportunity in various New Zealands service sector say, tourism, environmental. Certain clashes like competitors like Cadbury and other well settled brand can be faced. Moreover vegetable fats can be a content for chocolates internationally but in India doing so is not permitted. Certain number of companies have faced issues as they did not fir the Indian standard requirements. Social Media: Internet systems administration is incredibly being utilized these days. Online headways ought to be conceivable by method for Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Blogger and so forth. We can make web diaries, we can make page on Facebook and Twitter. This will help us to exhibit our things among youth masses. Posting progressions on goals that get overpowering human affiliation is one approach to manage get the word out about your business, for example, we can use Facebook having broadcasting programs with headways only fitted to a specific measurement masses. These promotions appear to be recently adjacent profiles that meet the inspirations driving your things objective business section. In like way, we can use Google AdWords association to post online advertisements this organization is extraordinarily to post advancements. E-mail: Email is the current electronic media to send message. It is a way to deal with bestow people wherever all through the world for the span of the day and night without holding up the beneficiary to wake up and making himself appear. It can send messages to numerous people in a matter of moments. It can in like manner send records, photos or even video cuts. Radio and Television: These two are the wellspring of data. They give us the most recent data in the state of news and commercials and furthermore a wellspring of excitement for us. Telecommunication:    Media transmission is the most imperative method of correspondence. It builds up direct connection between two gatherings situated at better places and whenever. Telephone utility was begun in 1881 in India however in the most recent two decades, there has been gigantic development in media transmission division. India has now the biggest media transmission arrange in Asia. Moreover cellular services are at boom in the country.